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Spooky Season!!!

Grab your apple cider & donuts, IT’S FINALLY FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s been so busy lately and November is looking banger as well, but some awesome stuff is cooking! We went to an event in mid-October and had MANY requests cauldron cups. Sadly, there’s no way to get them completed in time for Halloween, but I think late November or the first week of December is likely! Stay tuned!

Site/Shop Update – So many updates to the site to report! We now have:
– a functional mailing list!
– a functional storefront that doesnt have any real products!
– and the redesign that allowed either of those things to happen!
We’re very close to having like…. a real site with real things on it, huzzah!

In pottery news, I’m headed to a community wood firing in a giant noborigama kiln in northern Michigan next week and I couldn’t be more excited. Next update should have photos of FIRE! and also gorgeous pots that just can’t be duplicated with an electric kiln.

I’m also learning to mix my own glazes and have a whole thing about irrigation with terracotta ollas that I’m going to be experimenting with this winter (“irrigate like its 2000BC” post incoming), so loooots of pottery chatter on the horizon.

Ty out!