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IMBOLC (but with fire)

Hi bots and totally non-bot human people! I’m Shalane. I know our relationship is usually that I don’t talk and you don’t listen. That’s on me, I’m introverted and last year was a whole thing where I broke my leg and you had no reason to know or care about that… So, anyway, why am I talking?

Well, it’s a bit after 2:00 in the morning and for the last few… months I’ve been on a marathon of all the crafts I know even a little bit about (along with reading, writing, and binge watching EVERYTHING). So, it’s going great. And Ty had this awesome idea about celebrating Imbolc this year with raku. To be clear, Imbolc is not a holiday I usually think about, either as a pagan holiday or a feast day for the Catholics among us. But guys… raku! And also, the holiday season felt kinda surreal and bleh this last year, so it’s an opportunity to have fun and saber some champaign bottles and play with fire!

One of the crafts I’ve been entertaining myself with while working, eating, doing PT, watching anime, etc has been my very basic origami. I’ve been making flowers, failing a lot, succeeding some. Last night I realized… they will make the best Imbolc themed burnables for whatever we make! I’m so excited. As the pottery-savvy among you may know, having these revelations so close to the beginning of February means we don’t have much time to make/trim/dry/paint/dry/etc the pieces we want to fire. We’ve started and made a few pieces and my hands and shoulders are killing me… but this could happen! So, pics are probably incoming, however it goes!